For everyone who has lost a precious friend. Myself included. Rainbow bridge babies....

We made it here safe, but we see the tears in your eyes,
As we follow the golden path we hear your desperate cries,
We try to turn back but God says gently we must move on,
In body we are no more but in spirit we are never gone...
We all have so many stories we all felt so much love..
But we know it broke your hearts..
When we became Angels above...

But God says he chose us for a reason..
He said our hearts are pure
We excelled what was expected..
He couldn't ask for more..
He tells us not all his rainbow bridge babies..
Have the life that we had...
Tears start to fall as his stories are so sad...
Some Dogs have died in pounds alone, fearful,
cold and scared..
Dumped by the people who where meant to have cared...
Others suffered immense pain from people
making them fight..
When they walk through the gates it's such
a heartbreaking sight...
Some are used to make babies one litter after another
some as young as a year old being made a mother...
We listen in horror as the stories are so bad...
We are so blessed to have the life that we had...

God says we can visit our human's
and make sure they are okay...
But it has to be done in a very special way...
Our humans can't see us but should sense we are there...
A paw On their hand will let them know we care...
Knowing this makes the pain less...
And the tears cease to fall...
As one of us looks down he sees his special ball...
His human is on the step she looks very sad...
She's looking at the ball remembering all the fun they had...
He lets out a gentle blow and the ball rolls to her feet...
She knows it's her boy and again they will meet....

So one day we will bring you to our golden gate...
And when the time is close we will go there and wait...
Please don't feel sad and don't feel despair, take a look around you will feel us there...
After the storm you will see the light....

Please don't give up we need you to fight....