Why is my dog dragging his behind?

It's not something any of us wants to see -- the beloved family pooch scooting his bottom along the grass, ground, or carpet.....even if it does look rather amusing! :)

Scooting is almost always a sign something is irritating your dog. What's behind that irritation can range from infection to worms to inflammation. Some of the most common reasons dogs drag their bottom include....

Anal Sac Problems. Despite what humans might feel about the matter, dogs communicate with their rear ends. Specifically, they communicate with the smelly, fatty substance that comes from the anal sacs located on either side of their anus. Anal sacs can sometimes become abscessed, blocked, or inflamed. This is especially the case in smaller breed dogs. In an attempt to relieve the pain and discomfort, a dog may start scooting.

Treating anal sac issues depends on what's causing the problem. Treatment options include.....
Expressing the sacs, which can be done at home or by a vet
Giving antibiotics to treat an infection
Increasing dietary fibre
Applying hot compresses
Lancing or flushing the sacs under general anesthetic

If the anal sacs are emptied and the dog still scoots even a few days later, then investigate other causes such as worms. If it is an infrequent problem or you do not fancy trying to empty the anal glands yourself, your vet or your local dog groomer can empty your dog's anal glands.

He might just have a dirty bum!
A bout of diarrhea can leave a dog dehydrated, weak, and with a messy, matted bottom. Constipation can cause feces to get caught in the hair around your dog's anus.

Whatever the source, fecal contamination under your dog's tail can eventually cause enough discomfort that your pooch begins scooting to find relief. So long as the fecal contamination hasn't led to infection, treatment can be as easy as trimming away dirty hair. After that, you need to clean the area with warm water.

(If your dog has diarrhea for more than one day or is bothered by constipation, talk to your vet.)

Worms. Tapeworms are another, though less common, reason dogs may start scooting.
Tapeworm segments look like tiny, wiggling, creamy-white worms, or like small, unmoving rice grains. If you see either around your dog's anus, talk to your vet about suitable treatments.
Dogs get tapeworms by swallowing worm-infested fleas.
To prevent tapeworms from coming back, you'll need to control fleas. That can be done with pills or topical medications.
Rectal prolapse. This is when the final portion of the large intestine is protruding through the anus. A rectal prolapse can happen to your dog after severe diarrhea or from straining with constipation. If you see an elongated, cylindrical mass sticking out from your dog's bottom, call your vet right away.
Treatment for rectal prolapse varies. After replacing the prolapse, your vet may:
Stitch your dog's anus partially closed to prevent the prolapse from happening again
Suggest a moist diet or stool softeners to reduce straining
Recommend surgery if the prolapse needs to be repaired

The discomfort caused by wounds or tumors can also cause your dog to drag its bottom.

Swelling is a significant sign to watch for and can indicate an anal gland tumor. Swelling with redness, bruising, or discharge may point to a painful anal gland abscess that needs immediate treatment.