DOG FACTS That you probably didn't know!

A poodle's coat was originally shaved to increase swimming skills.

“Him” and “Her” were the names of President Lyndon Johnson's two beagles.

In French, Bichon Frise means "small, curly-haired dog."

A typical dog has a mouthful of 42 permanent teeth, while the average human has 32.

The Prairie Dog is actually part of the squirrel family. Early settlers named them after canines because their calls sounded like barking dogs.

A dog's third eyelid (yes, it has THREE) is a protective lid called a "haw" which keeps moisture in its eyes.

Fifty-eight percent of dog owners include their dogs in their annual holiday photos.

More dogs are called Max, Jake, Maggie or Molly than any other pet names.

In Moscow, some stray dogs learned to use the underground transit system to navigate throughout the city in search of food.

Dalmatians are often deaf doggies. Thirty percent of them cannot hear in either one or two ears.

The seeds of apples and pears should be kept away from dogs. Their composition includes arsenic, which could kill your dog.

It is illegal to keep a dog as a pet in Iceland.

According to legend, the dog rescued on Noah's Ark was the Afghan Hound

The phrase "It's Raining Cats and Dogs" was born in Germany in the 17th century. When storms flooded the streets, dogs and cats were often pulled into the currents.

Dogs could participate in doggie blood drives: dogs are able to donate blood to fellow pooches.

In 1969, Lassie the famous Collie dog was the very first animal inducted into the Animal Hall of Fame.

Greyhounds can run as fast as 45 mph and are the fastest canines on the planet.

The American Eskimo breed has been trained to walk across a tightrope in circuses throughout the early 20th century.

For running purposes, the shoulder blades on dogs are not attached to the rest of the skeleton.

Call them the biters! Female dogs bite double the amount of males.

Contrary to popular belief, Poodles are not French by origin. They're German dogs, but French nobility quickly became fascinated by these pooches.

Grapes and raisins even in small amounts can cause kidney failure in dogs.

A typical dog has the same brain aptitude level as a toddler. Dogs can comprehend about 250 words and count up to 5.

Dogs can be beneficial additions to the lives of children with Autism. Trained dogs can lessen the child's tendency of aggressiveness and give them a sense of independence

As per the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's smallest dog, a Yorkshire Terrier from Great Britain, weighed a teeny-tiny 4 ounces at age two.

Eighty percent of dog owners shower their pets with gifts on special occasions like birthdays and holidays. On holidays, over half of these pets are included in the signature of family cards.

Beagles and Collies create the most racket than any other dog; the Akbash and Basenji dogs are the most silent.

Feeling a big anxious? Studies indicate that petting your dog can lower your blood pressure.

Most dogs have pink tongues, a sign of good health for its supply of blood vessels, nerves and tastebuds. The Chow Chow and the Shar Pei inherently have black tongues, but this has nothing to do with poor health.

Studies have shown that obedient dogs live longer lives than pugnacious pugs.

The oldest in-tact fossilized remains of a pet canine dates back 33,000 years. It was discovered in Siberia in the 1970s.

The Australian Shepherd isn't even from Australia. Its origins are tied to the Basque region of Europe

Dog body odor is often called "Frito Feet," referring to bacteria collected on dogs' paws that often smell like the popular salty snack.

Dogs who live in cities tend to live, on average, 3 years longer than dogs from the country.

When drinking water, dogs cup the back of their tongues to transfer water from the bowl into their mouths.

The priciest dog in the world, a Tibetan Mastiff, was recently bought in China for $1.5 million.

Puppies are born without teeth and eyesight. They're also born deaf.

Dogs have two times the amount of muscles in their ears than humans.

In ancient China, people used to keep warm by putting dogs up their sleeves.

33 percent of dog owners admit to talking to their dog over the telephone, often leaving them messages on the answering machine.

In 1937, America's first Akita came over from Japan. Its travel companion was Helen Keller

Ever heard of the Cesky Terrier? Probably not. Only 350 of them exist, making them what may be the world's rarest dog breed.

The Alaskan Malamute can withstand temperatures as low as 70 degrees below zero.

Some dogs can identify the smell of lung cancer from sniffing a person's breath.

In Palding, Ohio, it is legal for a police officer to bite a barking dog to keep it quiet.

To differentiate between their different types of food, dogs depend more on their sense of smell than their sense of taste. Humans have five times the amount of taste buds than dogs.

Dogs' sense of hearing can reach four times the distance of humans.

A dogs' first sense to develop is touch.

At age one, dogs have the same level of physical development that humans have at age 15.

Dogs are not colorblind. They are able to detect colour in their vision, just not as vividly as humans

Walt Disney's family dog was a Poodle named Lady.

Dogs have feelings, too! Canines show agitated behavior when they see other dogs getting treats while they are left in the dust.